Review / article:
‘New Symposium of Animated Abstract Art Comes to Spain’, by Darryn King, Cartoon Brew, 13/04/2015, including image of the abstract film ‘Interior’ where the artist / filmmaker also held a masterclass.
Sabrina Schmid's animations are cited in some key academic texts by authoritative film and animation scholars:
Bendazzi, G. 2015, Animation: A World History, Focal Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Massachusetts (Vol. 2, p. 433, Vol. 3, p. 332)
[Volume 2, Chapter 17: Australia - Avant-Garde Animation, p. 433; Volume 3, Chapter 7: Oceania – Australia, p. 332]
Cholodenko, A. (editor) 1991, The Illusion of Life: Essays on Animation, Power Publications in association with the Australian Film Commission, Sydney. (p. 311)
Noake, R. 1988, Animation: The Guide to Animated Film Techniques, First English Edition edn, Little, Brown (p. 27)
Pilling, J. & British Film Institute, 1992, Women and Animation: a Compendium, The British Film Institute, London (p. 113)
Wells, P. & British Film Institute, 1996, Emergent Animation: Australia, Around the World in Animation – Celebrating 100 Years of Cinema, The British Film Institute & Museum of the Moving Image, London (p. 19)